Raise or Fold:  A Year of Risky Business

Writing and playing poker as if they were activities worth doing well.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Remind me to re-read this...

Desires come in all shapes, sizes and forms. Denying any of them is a sign of weakness. Controlling them is an indication of personal strength. Exploring them demonstrates courage. Being uncomfortable with your desires reveals your humanity and is never something to apologize for--ever. —The Poker Shrink
That's the final paragraph from this post about men and women, most of which I find inaccurate (or perhaps I should say: most of which differs radically from my experience or that of my friends and acquaintances). Perhaps the author is exaggerating for effect?

That one paragraph, though, is a doozy, and in my view entirely redeems the preceding four others. It's well worth thinking about what it might mean in the context of poker.

It's also worth thinking about what it means in the context of everything else.



Anonymous Poker Shrink said...

"...most of which differs radically from my experience or that of my friends and acquaintances"

I can't tell if that means you have much healthier or much darker relationships than I; but I am glad my last paragraph struck a chord. Thanks for reading.

2/27/09 1:45 PM  

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