Raise or Fold:  A Year of Risky Business

Writing and playing poker as if they were activities worth doing well.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Pause in the Program

I was touched this morning by Doyle Brunson's comments after attending the funeral of Casey Reese, son of the late great Chip Reese:
Everybody should have the privilege of growing old. I feel really lucky to have my hair start to turn gray and to have life experiences forever etched in deep wrinkles and grooves in my face. My heart has been broken but that is what gives us strength, understanding and compassion. So, as I get older, I care less what people think because if I’m wrong, I’ve earned the right to be wrong. And believe me, I’ve earned every gray hair and every wrinkle I’ve got.... I intend to spend my remaining time doing what I want and I intend to tell my family how much I love them every day.
I'm not as big a fan of wrinkles and grooves as Doyle (although I think Wrinkle & Groove would make an awesome band name), but do find that as I get older I am less and less worried about the unsolicited opinions of others and more and more interested in the lines of love that connect me to the people in my life.

Heartbreak is the price of love, and it is a price worth paying.



Blogger Memphis MOJO said...

Well said.

4/12/09 3:21 PM  
Blogger Short-Stacked Shamus said...

Thx for sharing that -- hadn't seen. Doyle is alluding to the loss of his own daughter (at 18), I assume.

He's right: love life, love those in yr life. It's all worth it.

4/12/09 5:47 PM  

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