Raise or Fold:  A Year of Risky Business

Writing and playing poker as if they were activities worth doing well.

Monday, February 9, 2009

No pressure, right?


Mr. Poker Grump himself, the esteemed Rakewell, has caught me off-guard with an extremely kind and surprisingly *extensive* mention of this blog. To all of you who may have arrived here expecting gems of wisdom and fountains of wit, my humble apologies.

I find myself dealing with an unaccustomed bout of stage fright. My first instinct is to say, "Move along! Nothing to see here!"

Of course my second impulse is to grab each and every one of you by the collar, sit you down, and require you to read every syllable of my deathless prose from now until kingdom come.

So, um, bear with me, okay? I'm going to be in Vegas for most of the next week or so, and am therefore likely to be posting significantly LESS frequently than average. (Perfect timing. I have a knack for that.)

I do genuinely hope some of you will stick around; please don't hesitate to leave a comment or drop me a note.



Blogger NewinNov said...

Well Poker Grump brought me to your site so lets see what happens. The excerpts he provided were entertaining and mirrored some of my thoughts at times. Plus you are also from DC so I'll understand some of the DC references or even AC references.

2/9/09 12:26 PM  
Blogger bastinptc said...


Good luck in Vegas, Sis. Give me the requisite jingle.

2/9/09 12:43 PM  
Blogger Pokerwolf said...

To all of you who may have arrived here expecting gems of wisdom and fountains of wit, my humble apologies.

Not reason to apologize. I arrived here from Grump's journal expecting a well-written, thoughful blog. Which is exactly what I found.

Of course my second impulse is to grab each and every one of you by the collar, sit you down, and require you to read every syllable of my deathless prose from now until kingdom come.

Well, I read all of your archives in three days. Does that work?

Good luck in Vegas! I'm rather interested in your posts because I live in your area and I know jack crap about the local scene. Of course, the main reason that I don't play poker much is my kids. But, I might be able to get a night free here or there if there's a seat available somewhere.

2/11/09 2:57 PM  
Blogger NewinNov said...

Pokerwolf. Where do you live? I'm in northern VA in Alexandria. I know of some games on occasion. Of course Cardgrrl probably knows of better games being a pro and all.

2/11/09 6:24 PM  
Blogger Pokerwolf said...

I'm in Manassas.

2/12/09 7:13 AM  
Blogger Cardgrrl said...

May I suggest that any discussion of games and locations take place direclly between the interested parties?

I'm delighted to know of players in my area, but for a number of practical reasons (see recent newspapers, for example), I'd prefer not to have my blog be the conduit for game information.


2/12/09 12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ouch, not so friendly cardgrrl has shown her teeth.

2/12/09 1:20 PM  
Blogger Cardgrrl said...

@Anonymous: I don't know why a politely worded request would strike you as unfriendly. My motivation was in no way hostile.

2/12/09 1:45 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

only wish I had free time to make Cardgrrl the movie... but, as always, hope you're well, and good wishes from this quarter, for whatever love you find on the morrow.

2/13/09 11:30 PM  

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